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[] Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon

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[] Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon Empty [] Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon

Post  Admin Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:45 am

[] Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon 7641EPMWCYPAL._AA220_

Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon

You're given five cities to play in, none of which look anything remotely like their real-life counterparts. It's your job to find empty lots, buy them, put a building on them and then sell the lots. That's it; I've just described the game in its entirety in one short sentence. There really is nothing much more to do; you buy land at a cheap price and sell it at slightly more expensive one to make some profit. Once you buy a lot you then have to dump a great big building on top of it. Once a building has been placed, you then have to choose how many offices, shops and rooms you want to put in there, which can then subsequently be sold to third parties.



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Join date : 2009-12-23

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