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Introduction To PHP Videos (2 Hours)

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Introduction To PHP Videos (2 Hours) Empty Introduction To PHP Videos (2 Hours)

Post  userwinxp Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:34 am

1 - Getting Started (Running Time: 13:21)

It can be difficult to get everything set up for PHP and mySQL development. One needs to set up Apache, configure it to run the PHP processor, and install and configure mySQL. In this chapter, Jason shows and explains each step in detail.

2 - Programming in PHP (Running Time: 27:13)

Chapter 2 starts with the basics of programming in PHP. The 'require' and 'include' statements are discussed. Variables and arrays are introduced. Decision-making with the 'if' command is explained. The chapter ends with a complete dynamic multi-language page example.

3 - Programming in PHP Part 2 (Running Time: 18:41)

The details of PHP programming are further expanded upon in this chapter. More advanced branching commands such as 'else' and 'elseif' are detailed. Loops and iteration are taught using 'for' and 'while'. The 'switch' statement is also introduced. Jason concludes the chapter with a slot machine example.

4 - User Interaction (Running Time: 20:16)

This chapter deals with the intricacies of interacting with users. We start by passing information through the URL and work up to the mechanics of using HTML forms to submit data. Text inputs and dropdown controls and explained. Everything learned so far is put to use at the end with a multi-language feedback form example.

5 - Introduction to Functions (Running Time: 15:56)

In this chapter, Jason explains the concept of functions, and how they can help speed up development. String, email and hashing functions are detailed. The chapter is concluded with a detailed tutorial on how to create and use your own custom PHP functions.

6 - Using a database with PHP (Running Time: 20:36)

The full power of PHP cannot be realized without a database. The final chapter of this series walks through the steps of setting up a database for use with PHP. Database administration with phpMyAdmin is shown, and the important built-in database functions are explained. The series concludes with a fully dynamic database-driven bulletin board example


Introduction To PHP Videos (2 Hours) Coolte10


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Join date : 2009-12-23

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