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Creating Web Pages For Dummies

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Creating Web Pages For Dummies Empty Creating Web Pages For Dummies

Post  userwinxp Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:28 am

Creating Web Pages For Dummies 0470080302_500

ISBN: 076450357X|Publisher: IDG Books|Creating Web Pages For Dummies|

As with most books in the "For Dummies" series, this book is meant as an introduction to creating Web pages. If you are already familiar with HTML or are comfortable with using a Web page editor, then you probably won't like this book. However, this book is perfect for the person who has never created a Web page before.

The first page of the book is a tear out quick reference, that actually acts as a sample Web page written in HTML. Reading through that page will give you a good overview of the basics of HTML, but until you've looked through the rest of the book, it may be hard to follow.

In the first section of the book, you'll learn two approaches to take with your Web site: the "Kirk versus Spock" approaches. You can create your Web pages spontaneously with some work and less planning, or you can spend more time being logical about your site, and planning it out. It's up to you, and the goals of your site.

One of the nice things about this book is that since it is not a book about learning HTML, you don't have to spend a lot of time on that. This book is meant to help you get up on the Web with the information you need. Chapter 3 is called "Just Enough HTML", and that's what it teaches you. Then you can spend more time on actually getting online and getting people to come to your site.

A Home Page in a Day
The second section of the book talks about what you need to do to get up your Web page. You'll learn about different places you can host your page for free and the relative merits of each. It has specific information for putting up pages on GeoCities, America Online, and CompuServe. While this information is slightly out of date, it is a good starting point.

There is an entire section on publishing tools for creating your Web site. You'll learn the benefits of using FrontPage Express, Netscape Composer, PageMill, HotDog Pro, and many more. And many of these are available on the CD ROM that comes with the book.

If you don't have a Web page yet, but are thinking about creating one, then this book is a great place to start.

Download: (6.8MB)
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